Redefining ATM Security with GlueFusion


Besides the danger to health and safety of CIT officers, being robbed costs a CIT company lots of money! Investing in a cashbox that irreversibly degrades the cash inside, is the best way to prevent robberies from happening. Of course, these security measures also cost money. Prices of available cashboxes vary. The differences are not so much related to the type of cash degradation, but to several other aspects: material use, production process, available options, use of technological components, etc. However, the price of a cashbox is not determined solely by the purchase price. It is important to also consider the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of the different boxes to determine your best buy.

Redefining ATM Security with GlueFusion2023-07-12T14:01:50+00:00

Unambiguous and irreversible cash degradation


All over the world, the number of explosive attacks on ATMs is increasing. The need for a solution is urgent. We are convinced that the gas attack Modus Operandi can only be eradicated if we remove the criminal’s motivation to rob an ATM; the availability of cash money inside an ATM. We need to degrade the cash; unambiguously and irreversibly.

Unambiguous and irreversible cash degradation2023-03-21T11:15:17+00:00

Cash degradation: no cash, no crime


All over the world, the number of explosive attacks on ATMs is increasing. The need for a solution is urgent. We are convinced that the gas attack Modus Operandi can only be eradicated if we remove the criminal’s motivation to rob an ATM; the availability of cash money inside an ATM. Where there’s no cash, there will be no crime.

Cash degradation: no cash, no crime2023-03-21T11:15:53+00:00

Whitepaper Cash Degradation in ATMs


All around the world, we see an increase in physical attacks on ATMs. There is a great need for a solution for this problem. We developed a Whitepaper Cash Degradation in ATMs, in which we describe preventive measures that banks, ATM suppliers and/or service parties can take to fight this Modus Operandi effectively. Because we believe in the power of Cash Degradation, the emphasis lies on this specific security measure.

Whitepaper Cash Degradation in ATMs2023-05-10T12:10:33+00:00

The future of Cash Security


The start of Security Essen 2018 was marked with a new Cash Security Innovation event at the Atlantic Conference Hotel. Banks, CIT companies and other Cash Handling industry stakeholders from all over the world made their appearance, presented their knowledge and shared their insight regarding the future of Cash Security.

The future of Cash Security2023-03-21T11:16:41+00:00

GPU: the only effective solution against ATM gas attacks


GPU (Gas Protection Unit) indefinitely protects against ATM gas attacks, outperforming any other solution available in the market today. GPU prevents the explosion, minimizes damage and leaves the criminal empty-handed. After split-second gas detection, GPU neutralizes the gas inside the ATM; indefinitely! GPU is already successfully deployed in numerous ATMs throughout Europe. Recently, Mactwin introduced a brand-new version, making the system even more compact and easy to install. Moreover, the system status can now be monitored remotely.

GPU: the only effective solution against ATM gas attacks2018-05-18T08:05:43+00:00
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