Let’s make cash security smarter.
Built to outsmart
Criminals have always been very much attracted to cash money. Cash Handling has many facets, varying from Value Delivery, ATM servicing and Cash in Transit, to the sorting and counting of the cash. Each facet of the entire Cash Handling process has different risk moments, risk positions and criminal attack scenarios (Modi Operandi).
Our products offer peace of mind and are applicable to the CIT business, without hindering the operational process. Mactwin’s product range offers possibilities for effective, multi-layered protection. Either stand-alone or combined, our products induce effects like prevention of structural process related risks, minimisation of the pay-off /consequential damage and discouragement of the criminal.
The people at Mactwin register and analyse international trends and relevant Modi Operandi, in order to determine how and with which weaponry attacks are executed. It is because of this knowledge of the international playing field and because ‘we know what’s in the box’, that we are capable of thinking outside the box. This allows us to develop intelligent products that will outsmart the criminal and break through the ever escalating arms race. Criminals can spare themselves the trouble of using heavier force, if at first they don’t succeed. Our primary goal is to keep them from succeeding. Ever.
We are proud to work for these organizations
Over the past 30 years we have helped numerous banks and CIT-companies improve their security. We implemented large-scale camera surveillance, designed complete cash centers and helped develop specific cash solutions. We proudly call these companies our partners: